Project Activity | |
Layer 1 Core WOSE (Development) | ||||||||
1. Survey available SwE BOKs and choose a BOK Status: Done, ERAU SwE BOK | ||||||||
2. Extract knowledge components from the SwE BOK | ||||||||
2.1 Knowledge Workers Develop Terms/Glossary, Thesauri, Formal Is-a, Frames (properties and relationships). | ||||||||
2.2 Develop / Identify software tools for Knowledge Workers | ||||||||
3. Identify an ontology articulation language: DAML (Why) Done | ||||||||
4. Locate and survey ontology libraries that can be used to add further semantics (i.e. clarify BOK terms in lower level knowledge component) to the BOK | ||||||||
4.1 DAML library, SWRC, KA2,Upper Cyc® Ontology In Progress.... | |||||||
4.2 Apply Ontology Merging Techniques, software and services In Progress.... | |||||||
5. Use DAML to express the ontology and publish it | ||||||||
5.1 Identify / Develop software tools for DAML processing (generating valid DAML representation of WOSE) | ||||||||
5.2 Develop initial WOSE API TBD | ||||||||
6. Evaluation of Success: Does Core WOSE meet its objective? TBD | ||||||||
6.1 Metrics to be collected on WOSE TBD | ||||||||
Layer 2 Semantic Search TBD (Deployment) | ||||||||
Layer 3 CASE Tool Integration TBD (Deployment) | ||||||||