Paper # | 18 | Automatic RDF Metadata Generation for Resource |
Discovery |
0.2 | hours |
authors | Charlotte Jenkins, Mike Jackson, Peter Burden, Jon Wallis |
affiliation | School of Computing & IT University of Wolverhampton, UK |
Published in | Eighth International World Wide Web Conference, Toronto, |
May 11-14, 1999. |
date | 11-May-99 |
URL | |
matic.html |
Annoation |
The paper presents a classifier that analyzes and categorizes HTML |
documents according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) |
scheme. A Java class hierarchy models the DDC and generates |
class mark for the HTML document. During the process other |
metadata like word count, date of creation etc. are also generated. |
A RDF generator is used to transform the data in RDF format. |
Wednesday, October 11, 2000 | Page 21 of 21 |