Paper # | 20 | Trawling the web for emerging cyber-communities |
0.2 | hours |
authors | Ravi Kumar, Prabhakar Raghavan, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Andrew |
Tomkins |
affiliation | IBM Almaden Research Center K53, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA |
95120, USA. |
Published in | Eighth International World Wide Web Conference, Toronto, |
May 11-14, 1999. |
date | 11-May-99 |
URL | |
.html |
Annoation |
The paper presents an algorithm to identify web structure. The |
algorithm uses co-citation analysis to find clusters in the web. The |
algorithm works on web data compiled by Alex corpoartion |
Wednesday, October 11, 2000 | Page 19 of 21 |