Paper # 10 Ontologies for Knowledge Retrieval in Organizational


2 hours

authors Minghong Liao, Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut

Hinkelmann, Michael Sintek

affiliation German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserlautern


Published in Procedings of the Workshop on Learning Software

Organizations, Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 16, 1999

date 16-Jun-99



Discusses ontological issues specific to Organizational Memory

(OM). OM is defined as accumulated corporate know how that can

be used to support knowledge intensive work process. A

three-level framework is used to design OM. The lowest level,

which is the object level, consists of heterogeneous documents

(email, database etc.). The description level describes those

documents and application level is query and inferences on those

descriptions. Three ontologies namely domain ontology, enterprise

ontology and information ontology are used in the description


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