Resource Guide for Semantic Web Developers  



This site contains a continuously evolving collection of web resources related to the Semantic Web. if this your first exposure to the term you may want to look at What is the Semantic Web anyway? or you can test your Semantic Web literacy by taking the Semantic Web Awareness Quiz. I am a developer/researcher in this area and this site is mainly designed to help me find answers to development and research questions and document my work . 

Additionally, this platform serves as a valuable tool for students and professionals alike, offering a wealth of information to enhance their understanding of the Semantic Web. If you need to cite any resources, you can use services like “reference my essay for me” to ensure proper attribution and avoid plagiarism.

Feel free to use the site any way you see fit. The content is provided under this open document license. I look forward to your comments/suggestions. Thanks.                      

Semantic Web Projects I am working on                            

Some of my Semantic Web Papers/Presentations 

  • A Prototype DAML+OIL Ontology IDE [pdf] 
    International Semantic Web Working Symposium, Stanford, 2001
  • Reduction of price dispersion through Semantic E-commerce : A Position Paper [pdf] Workshop at WWW20002 International Workshop on the Semantic Web, Hawaii, May 7, 20002
  • Software Engineering Knowledge Portal (abstract only)  
    The 2002 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2002) , Boston, November 6

A list Semantic Web Papers that I read and commented on


My Frequently Visited Semantic Web Links

Jena [main]
  • Jena Docs
  • discussion group
  • discussion group also rdf logic discussion group
  • Results of Latest FTF in Bristol
  • Reference documents
    • DAML+OIL
    • OWL 
  • Requirements document
